
A Simple Routine to Beat Burnout, Get More Done in Less Time and Crush Your Goals. Jun 14, 2024

5 things that have changed my life that are insanely easy to implement

The way we work is insane, the busyness epidemic is not only making us miserable, it makes us perform even worse. You end up working harder and missing out on life only to accomplish less.

From the people I’ve worked...

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The Worst Way to Start Your Day Apr 24, 2024

What if I told you that the worst way to start your day is something you are probably doing every day?

The worst way to start your day, my friend, is checking your email.

If you constantly feel behind at work, overwhelmed by all you have to do, and just overall despondent, listen up. I'm going to...

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Making Stress work for you Apr 24, 2024

Do you want relief from stress?

How about getting rid of stress altogether?

What might that be like?

Let's say your job is to watch paint dry, no stress really, you just sit there for 40 hours a week staring at paint drying and making sure it stays dry. Surely this could be just as painful as...

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Things Companies Can Do To Help Employee Mental Health Apr 24, 2024

Covid brought mental health to the forefront of every organization. I want to share some of the things I have seen companies do to support employee mental health. Not only are these good things to do, they are good for business. Every company I mention below is killing it, so it's a competitive...

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How to Start and Stick to a Deep Work Routine Apr 24, 2024

Deep work by Cal Newport is a masterpiece. If I could recommend one book, that's it. Most knowledge workers don't have a full hour to themselves. No wonder we all feel so overwhelmed and always behind.  

I adopted a consistent deep work practice about 3 years ago. Since then, I get much more...

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10X Return: The Business Case for Proactive Mental Health Education Apr 24, 2024

Business cases need numbers, not warm fluffy feel good stories and gut feelings.

How about that stress costs American companies 300 Billion Dollars Annually.

Here’s what business have to gain or lose:

Improve employee retention

It costs 33% of an employees salary to replace them. so if you...

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The Four Biggest Obstacles Facing Mental Wellness Initiatives; and How to Overcome Them Apr 24, 2024

Companies stand to build a competitive advantage in building a culture of mental wellness.

Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t take a massive financial investment, weeks of time, and a dedicated team of full-time employees to create an impactful mental wellness program. Many programs take...

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How Gratitude Can Make You Happier Apr 24, 2024

Have you ever wanted something new?

A new car, house, promotion?

What happens when you get it?

Does it wear off ?

Do you get bored with it and stop appreciating it only to have your sights set on a newer phone, newer house, or a newer promotion?

We think deep down that what we are aiming for is going...

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